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Baby Stoat Has Cutest Reaction To Making A New Friend

Baby Stoat Has Cutest Reaction To Making A New Friend

So cute!

Laura Sanders

Laura Sanders

A rescued baby stoat who spent the first few weeks of her life all alone was delighted to have made a friend.

Whisper was rescued at four weeks old by Robert Fuller, who cared for her around the clock, feeding her every few hours. He said: "Giving her milk when she was tiny was a delicate operation."

What is a baby stoat called?

A baby stoat is called a kit. Kits are usually born into litters of between six and 12. They are nursed by their mothers for around 12 weeks.

Whisper was healthy and developing well, but Robert said what she really needed was a friend of her own kind to play with.

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"The main thing she likes is human company. And that's something we've got to change," said Robert, tickling her belly. If Whisper had any chance of going back into the wild, it was crucial that she learned to interact with her own kind.

But Whisper's luck changed when Robert received a phone call from some people who had found an abandoned baby Stoat in their garden.

Stuart (who's a girl) is the same age as Whisper.

The moment Stuart and Whisper first met was filmed and it's just what we all need to see. The pair were a bit unsure of each other at first, but then after just half an hour, they became the best of friends, playing and rolling around together.

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The video was shared to the YouTube channel The Dodo. You can watch it below:

A couple of weeks later, at nine weeks old, Whisper and Stuart were clearly inseparable - climbing and play-fighting together. Robert decided it's time for them to be put in a bigger enclosure, which will prepare them for being released back into the wild.

Putting them into their new enclosure, Robert said: "They've got loads of places to explore here. They've got a dry stone wall here...

"There's a little nose poking out [of the sleeping bag] here, so they're really raring to go."

"Stuart was cautious, just popping her head out of the wall, sniffing at the air. Whereas Whisper's much more confident, straight out exploring her new enclosure," said Robert.

"Over the next few days they became more and more confident and started playing in this enclosure, which is just fabulous to see."

Robert said it was great to see some rivalry between the new besties too; Stuart even tried pinching some of Whisper's food.

Robert also built them a pond and you can see Whisper and Stuart enjoying a dip.

Confident that they were ready for the wild, Robert opened the gate of the enclosure and released the two babies. He said they stayed in and around the enclosure for about a week before they ventured off into the wild.

"It's been an amazing experience being part of these young stoats' lives," said Robert.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/The Dodo

Topics: Cute Pets, Animals, YouTube