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People Are Taking Part In The Until Tomorrow Challenge On Instagram

People Are Taking Part In The Until Tomorrow Challenge On Instagram

It seems the rules of the challenge are open to interpretation

Jake Massey

Jake Massey

In these times of lockdown, people are looking for new ways to entertain themselves while keeping connected with others - which essentially explains how the 'Until Tomorrow' challenge has emerged.

Your Instagram may well be riddled with 'Until Tomorrow' posts, with more than a million posts using the hashtag, or misspelled variations; yet, you may well have no idea what exactly the trend entails.

#Untiltomorrow is trending, but a lot of people don't have a clue what it's all about.

The genesis of the challenge is unclear, although it seems to have originated this month - perhaps due to quarantine-related boredom.

Basically the idea is to post an embarrassing picture of yourself with the caption 'Until Tomorrow', which you keep up on your Instagram page for 24 hours.

People who like the picture are then sent a direct message inviting them to take part themselves, an example of which you can see below:

Anyone who likes an 'Until Tomorrow' picture is invited to take part themselves.

The trend is quickly growing in popularity, leaving many people baffled, including WFLA reporter Deanne Roberts and sports journalist Bailey Carlin:

However, the whole point of it being an unflattering/mortifying/incriminating photo, the likes of which you wouldn't want on your social media, seems to have been lost.

A quick scroll through #untiltomorrow posts reveals the vast majority of photos are just relatively ordinary selfies, which does in essence make the challenge a little pointless.

But we shouldn't lose all hope in humanity's ability to entertain itself, because for every person sharing tedious #untiltomorrow posts on Instagram, there's someone on Twitter slagging it off:

So as ever, social media is a divided place. Ultimately though, it doesn't matter whether you pass the time by taking part in the challenge, slagging off the challenge, or neither of the above - so long as you keep your ar*e indoors.

Let's all bring some positivity, support and fun to anyone who might find themselves in isolation as a result of the coronavirus spread. Need some entertainment? Join Isolation Nation:

Featured Image Credit: Instagram

Topics: Viral, Instagram, Community