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Man's Disastrous Attempt At Cooking Breakfast On Hotel Iron Goes Viral

Man's Disastrous Attempt At Cooking Breakfast On Hotel Iron Goes Viral

Not sure what Gordon Ramsay would make of this

Claire Reid

Claire Reid

A TikTok prankster has shared a clip of himself making a 'quarantine hotel fry up' that ended very badly.

TikTok user Jimmy Stewart, who posts under the @jimmystewart59 handle, went viral after he shared a clip of his calamitous cooking using only a hotel iron.

Jimmy's attempt to make a breakfast wrap actually didn't start out too badly, as he shows himself sizzling a couple of sausages on an iron.

I mean, I'm sure Gordon Ramsay wouldn't give them the thumbs up but they do appear to be mostly cooked... sort of.

They're not exactly perfect.

But things go awry when he plops on a couple of slices of bacon and they quickly start to let off a lot of smoke.

So much so, the room's smoke alarm kicks off prompting to Jimmy to shout: "Oh f*** not again."

As he tries to quickly sort out the situation, by wafting a towel about the place and dumping the iron on a window sill, a member of staff from the hotel knocks on the room door wanting to speak to Jimmy.

The camera then cuts to a forlorn looking Jimmy who explains: "You'll never believe this - I've been asked to leave."

I certainly can, mate.

Jimmy, who branded his attempt an 'epic fail' is then seen leaving the hotel with his little suitcase.

TikTok users were left in stitches after seeing the clip, with one person writing: "Haha, this is the best video online!"


Another joked: "Please let me buy you a slow cooker."

While a third said: "This is the exact TikTok content I was wanting when I joined - thank you, sir."

Someone else even confessed to having done something similar, writing: "Been there, done that and got kicked out.

"Next hotel I went to, I put a sock over the smoke alarm and I've never had an issue."

While another chipped in: "Imagine using that iron after him and getting grease all over your shirt."

I hope this goes without saying, but just in case, please, please, please don't try this at home... or in a hotel or just at all.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@jimmystewart59

Topics: Viral, Food, Funny, Weird, TikTok