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Major Biden’s Shelter Shares Before And After Picture Of Dog

Major Biden’s Shelter Shares Before And After Picture Of Dog

Started at the shelter, now we here...

Rebecca Shepherd

Rebecca Shepherd

If you didn't already know, Joe Biden was, yesterday (20 January), sworn into office as the new President of the United States.

With that comes a hefty title for his pet pooches, Major and Champ Biden. The former came from an animal shelter which has taken the opportunity to celebrate his success:

The adorable pupper pictures have garnered over 4,000 reactions as well as more than 4,000 shares from people equally pleased for Major's glow up.

One person commented: "Can't wait to see pics of Champ and Major roaming the halls of the White House," another added: "Wow....what a good looking FIRST DOG."

The Biden fam adopted Major from the Delaware Humane Association (DHA) in 2018. He joined the pack alongside big bro, Champ, who had been part of the furniture since 2008.

Joe and Jill initially fostered Major when their daughter showed them a litter of puppies needing to be temporarily homed. Naturally, the pair became somewhat set on Major and adopted him.

It's easy to see why:


As well as holding the joint title of 'First Dog', Major is thought to be the first rescue dog to live in the presidential home which will, once again, be graced by the presence of wet-nosed, four-legged friends.

Former POTUS Donald Trump was the first president since James K. Polk (1845 to 1849) not to bring a pet to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Marking the occasion, the DHA also held a special 'indoguration' to mark the German Shepherd's historic move to the presidential home.

Over 7,400 animal lovers attended the event - which was held on Zoom - and there was an incredible $200,000 (£145,000) raised for the DHA.

According to People, the rescue home plans to use the donations to provide relief to pet owners struggling to care for their animals during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and to help adoptable pets find homes.

DHA's executive director, Patrick J. Carroll, said in a statement: "Our DHA Team is truly astounded by the love and support we have received, in honor of Major.

"We celebrate each and every time one of the animals in our care finds its forever home, and this one calls for a special celebration! Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Indoguration and for the generous outpouring of donations.

"They will enable DHA to start this new year in a strong position, and will help so many animals and people. We are incredibly grateful."

Featured Image Credit: Twitter/@dog_rates

Topics: joe biden, Dog, Entertainment, Animals