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Angie From 'Orange Is The New Black' Looks Completely Different In Real Life

Angie From 'Orange Is The New Black' Looks Completely Different In Real Life

An impressive transformation.

Laura Hamilton

Laura Hamilton

There are some tv shows where actors get to glam up and wear amazing costumes that no one would wear in real life. Think of Khaleesi in Game of Thrones... or even the chic suits in House of Cards.

And then there's Orange is the New Black. Here, the actors are playing convicts and it's probably fair to describe their garb as 'dressing down'. Sometimes, they'll go so far as to completely change the way they look. It's probably not a stretch to suggest that they look the worst they're ever going to in their careers on that show.

Julie Lake, who plays drugged-up Angie, is set to be in the limelight this season, having previously taken more of a back seat role. She and meth-damaged accomplice Leanne are set to make Litchfield Prison hold a talent contest during the forthcoming run - at gunpoint, as you do - so we will be seeing a lot more of her grimy brown teeth.

But Julie is keen to show that she does actually brush her teeth in real life. Here she is on the red carpet with fellow cast member Taryn Manning, and as you can see, it's an impressive transformation:

The actors have to sit through hours of make-up to get into character for Orange is the New Black. In theory, make-up is usually used to improve an actor's looks for the camera, but when it comes to gritty shows like this, it's a serious make-under that's needed. The behind-the-scenes cew even spend ages painting teeth brown.

Ew. I would be so glad to go home and get out the mouthwash after a long day.

Julie isn't the only one to undergo an impressive metamorphosis for the OITNB cameras. It's not surprising that 24-year-old Francesca Curran wanted everyone to know that in real life, she looks absolutely nothing like 'Skinhead Helen', the character that she plays: a volatile white supremacist.

I suppose when you're playing a skinhead who's fairly unkempt, covered in tattoos with bags around her eyes and decked out in an unflattering orange outfit, you probably want people to realise that you're still capable of looking good. Even though getting to slob around must be incredibly fun (Just me? Ah well).

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/Julie Lake