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Game Of Thrones Episode Nine Spoilers Accidentally Leaked By Magazine

Game Of Thrones Episode Nine Spoilers Accidentally Leaked By Magazine

Synopsis leaked. Yeah, this was pretty special.

Patrick Hulbert

Patrick Hulbert

Credit: Youtube

Right, just in case you are stupid, this article contains spoilers. If you comment that I've ruined it for you, I feel pity for you and your lack of intellect.

So...just in case you didn't get that...if you don't want to know what has been reported to happen in the next episode, exit this page now.

Now that's out the way (and it was pretty therapeutic), let's get on with business.

Ok, so the trailer for episode nine just focuses on the 'Battle of the Bastards', the Ramsay Bolton versus Jon Snow showdown that, let's be honest, Jon Snow will win somehow, probably with Little Finger's help.

But is anything else happening in the episode. What about Dany? What about Theon and his lack of dick? What about the bloody Dornish? What about Cersei and her head? What about Arya? What about the Brotherhood Without Banners? What about the other million stories going on right now?

Well, the BroBible has shown Twitter user Samsa (with Sansa as the person's pic), showing a screenshot of TV & Satellite Week's synopsis.

Credit: Twitter/@vigilist

In it, it mentions that Yara and Theon Greyjoy make it to Meereen, 'where the Iron Born warrior finds an admirer in Daenerys'. We assume they're talking about Yara here, rather than moping Theon. I mean, he's had long enough to mourn the death of his cock, hasn't he?

Yara. Credit: Twitter

Anyway, it may not tell us a minute-by-minute account, but it clearly is more information than HBO wanted coming out.

Yara and Daenerys teaming guess is that this will be short-lived.

Words Patrick Hulbert

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