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Gaming Is Good For Your Brain Says Science

Gaming Is Good For Your Brain Says Science

'Hoorah, marines!'.

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

Answer me this: If you'd never played Grand Theft Auto, how on Earth would you know that driving into a mechanic's garage completely stops any police car chase ever?

Exactly, you wouldn't know that. Proof that gaming not only makes you smarter, but also teaches you life lessons.

In all seriousness, though, gaming is good for your brain, according to science.

People have long debated the negative effect games have on someone's psyche, suggesting that the on-screen simulated violence may be later replicated in real life. Many studies have proven this to be hogwash, though, finding actual evidence that suggests gaming improves things like coordination.

The latest study in that long list is by Vikranth Bejjanki, called the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

During the research, 10 to 14 gamers were used in a series of experiments where they'd take part in perceptual tasks. Groups were made based on people's experience in gaming, finding that those with more experience in action-based video games show improved performance in perception, attention, and cognition.

In a separate test they also used people who had little to know experience in playing games. They were given a certain task to do, then asked to have 50 hours of practice on a console, then asked to repeat the previous task. They reportedly performed much better on the task than they had prior to their training.

Basically, if your parents, girlfriend, teachers or anyone else tells you to stop playing video games, tell them to fuck off. You're giving your brain a workout.

Featured Image Credit: PA