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Images Of The New Xbox One Slim Have Leaked

Images Of The New Xbox One Slim Have Leaked

It's thought to be officially unveiled at the E3 2016 press conference.

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

Long gone are the nostalgic days of anticipating what new Bey Blades will be released or what Pokemon cards you'll get in your next pack.

Goodbye to proper childhood, it is over.

Now, the youth is dominated by the next IOS update, the next big console, what games you can play on a microwave, and if your pet goldfish can get wifi.

So, it's completely acceptable for us to get a little bit giddy over leaked images of the new Xbox One Slim.

The first thing that must be noted about the Xbox One Slim, is that contrary to its name, it is not slim.

It's slimmer than its predecessor, but has nothing on the PS2 Slimline. It's kind of like your mum's friend who used be 24stone, but is now 19stone - she isn't slim, but she's slimmer than she was.

The images were leaked on NeoGaf ahead of Microsoft's annual E3 conference.

Credit: KawabataSan/NeoGaf

Credit: ekim/NeoGaf

Apparently, the new console is 40% smaller than the current Xbox One . The current model has the dimensions 33.3cm x 27.4cm x 7.9cm and weighing roughly 3Kg.

According to Wired, the Xbox One S will also come with a 2TB internal hard drive, and be capable of 4K video.

The full details on the new console are thought to be revealed at the E3 2016 press conference tomorrow.

Words by Mark McGowan

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