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Netflix British crime drama rated much higher than the entire Harlan Coben collection

Netflix British crime drama rated much higher than the entire Harlan Coben collection

There's a treasure trove of excellent crime dramas to get through

Netflix has a wonderful selection of creepy crime dramas for you to sink your proverbial teeth into, and several of them come from the works of Harlan Coben.

A collection of his work on Netflix consists of Gone for Good, The Woods, Hold Tight, The Innocent, Safe, The Stranger, Stay Close and most recently the acclaimed series Fool Me Once.

It's one mightily impressive body of work and you could spend weeks (or days if you like a binge-fest) working your way through it all.

Viewers of Fool Me Once have been raving about an incredible plot twist in the series that they absolutely did not see coming, so you might want to check it out and see what all the fuss is about.

However, if you want to change things up and make sure the works of Coben don't dominate your evening viewings from here to eternity then might we suggest you go British?

Once you're done with Fool Me Once we've got a lovely crime drama to suggest to you.

There's plenty of great crime dramas on both sides of the pond but we do a very good line in the genre over here.

According to IMDb's ratings the cream of the crop when it comes to the Harlan Coben collection on Netflix is The Innocent on 7.8, followed by Safe on 7.2

They all get pipped to the post in terms of ratings by The Missing, which scored 8.2 in review scores and is frankly excellent.

First released on the BBC back in 2014, if you missed it when it came out then Netflix is your perfect chance to watch it and see what you've been missing out on.

There's a couple of series of the show, one about a boy who went missing in France and another focused on a girl who disappeared in Germany.

As the title suggests, their kid has gone missing so they're understandably pretty gloomy about it.

The leading detective of the first season, Tchéky Karyo's Julien Baptiste, was so popular that in 2019 he ended up getting his own spin-off show.

Once you've polished off The Missing, Baptiste is also on Netflix so you can sate your appetite for a spot of gritty crime drama.

Since it's dull, grey and overcast outside it makes sense for it to be the same on your TV screen and you can pack out your list of things to watch.

In case you still haven't caught up with it yet, Peaky Blinders (also on Netflix now) apparently has a connection to the latest Harlan Coben show.

If you watch Fool Me Once you might notice that one of the character's houses is exactly the same place that Tommy Shelby ended up making his home.

Featured Image Credit: BBC

Topics: TV and Film, Netflix, BBC