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The Undertaker Lifting 500lbs And Doing 40 Inch Vertical Jumps At 50-Years-Old

The Undertaker Lifting 500lbs And Doing 40 Inch Vertical Jumps At 50-Years-Old

Training hard for Wrestlemania.

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

Over the past two decades or so The Undertaker has dominated the WWE as the Phenom of the company.

However, the past few years it has been tough to watch the Deadman in action, as his age quickly catches up with him.

His physique is not what it once was, and some severe hairline problems don't help the matter.


Credit: WWE via YouTube

However, this year The Undertaker is once again returning to the grandest stage of them all: Wrestlemania, to fight Shane McMahon in a match that he made famous - Hell in a Cell.

In the run up to WWE's biggest event of the year the Phenom isn't letting his age effect his training. Joe DeFranco, the owner of DeFranco's gym, uploaded a video to his YouTube channel of the Deadman lifting 500lbs and doing a 40 inch vertical jump - grey beard and all.

The heart and determination that helped make him one of the most iconic superstars of the industry certainly hasn't gone away.

I wonder if all his training is leading to him throwing people off the top of the cell? We all know he's got a history of doing it.

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