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Morgan Freeman Calls Out Rude Audience Member At Screen Actors Guild Awards

Morgan Freeman Calls Out Rude Audience Member At Screen Actors Guild Awards

While onstage to collect his Lifetime Achievement gong at the SAG Awards, Morgan Freeman had to call out and shut down a talkative attendee

Mischa Pearlman

Mischa Pearlman

There's always one, isn't there? One person who just can't help themselves, who has to talk and be the centre of attention at the most inappropriate times. Like a wedding or a funeral - or a Hollywood awards ceremony.

Yes, it turns out that actors crave the limelight - who knew? - even when one of their most respected peers is up on stage attempting to give a speech.

This year's Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards featured bona fide cinema legend Morgan Freeman collecting his Lifetime Achievement award, but the 80-year-old star of The Shawshank Redemptom and Seven had barely warmed up in delivering his acceptance speech when he noticed a chatterbox in the front row.

"These moments in your life..." he began, before soon being distracted by the talkative culprit and talking to them directly instead.

"Hey," he said in his trademark soothing and calm voice. "I'm talking to you. Yeah. Hey."

Morgan Freeman accepts his Lifetime Achievement award.

It's at this point the loudmouthed audience member responded, but none of what they said was audible. But Freeman listened, and then said: "Okay, well you just stand out to me. That's all." He then continued his speech.

In the speech, Freeman - whose performance in 2005 film Driving Miss Daisy earned him an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor - also expressed dissatisfaction with the SAG Award statuettes that winners receive.

"I wasn't going to do this; I'm going to tell you what's wrong with this statue," he told the audience of fellow actors. "It works from the back, but from the front, it's gender-specific. Maybe I started something."

Morgan Freeman.

The ever-busy Freeman is the 54th recipient of the SAG Lifetime Achievement award. He broke into the film industry at the age of 50, and, in addition to the Oscar and this award, has also won two Golden Globes.

As yet, the identity of the chatterbox audience member hasn't been revealed, but it surely won't be long before that happens. It's going to be someone really famous, we're pretty sure of it. Mainly because the vast majority of attendees are really famous, though. We're not psychic or anything.

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Topics: TV and Film, Celebrity, Morgan Freeman