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LAD Thinks Up Creative Plan To Fool Holidaying Parents Watching The House

LAD Thinks Up Creative Plan To Fool Holidaying Parents Watching The House


Michael Minay

Michael Minay

We've all been there. That first time the parents announce that they are going away, and you're not coming.

But wait, they've not dialled your grandparents for cover, and your uncles and aunties aren't available either. Yes, they're going to trust you to survive home alone!

At first, you're a little sad and unsure: is this the end of the free holidays you've enjoyed all your life to date? But then, the devil on your shoulder pops up.

Once you've done the list your mum has left you, your mind begins to wander. The 18+ thoughts creep into your head. And there's always the possibility of hosting a house party.


However, you know the huge responsibility of making sure, once the party is over, that you've got to get everything back to the way it was.

One man was prepared to do that, but then his dad threw a spanner in the works. Despite going to Vegas for five days, he'd be watching the house.

Kevin Mieles, known as 'Big Kev' on Twitter, was placed in such situation when his Dad put a camera in the front room for when he was away.

Credit: Twitter

Quick! Re-think! How you going to get around that? Answer: easy!

Kevin had the perfect solution.

The camera, which films in black and white all day, and does not change its resolution thanks to a day-night setting, was placed watching the living room 24/7.

Quick-thinking Kevin screen-grabbed a shot from the recording of the camera of a peaceful and tidy front room.

He then printed that off, repositioned the camera (cleverly balancing it on a plate), so that the recording would be of the printed living room picture.

If you have seen the film Speed, with Keanu Reeves, it's a similar idea to how they fool the bomber. Here they loop the video footage of the passengers sitting quietly on the bus, while really, they are shifting them onto another vehicle to get them to safety.

The two photos went viral, picking up over 1,100 replies, 136,000 retweets and 408,000 likes. Some praising, some not so.

Big Kev's dad none-the-wiser, although we don't know what activities actually went on whilst he was away, or if his father twigged what was going on - surely, he'd notice that his son hadn't watched TV in the front room for five days?

Featured Image Credit: Twitter

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