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LAD Photobombs Parklife Pictures By Sticking His Arm In His Mouth

LAD Photobombs Parklife Pictures By Sticking His Arm In His Mouth

He popped up all over the place.

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

A lot of funny things can happen at festivals.

Throughout the summer, we're treated to videos of people sliding in mud, dancing about and falling off things... and it's great. Hearty entertainment for all of us who choose to stay at home in the warm, clean solitude of our living rooms.

When looking at the photos you've taken after the weekend, though, you might inspect them a bit closer, and looking in the background may well bring something to your attention that had somehow evaded your notice beforehand. Yep, we're talking about the phenomenon known as the 'photobomb'.

Now and again a funny one will come along, but it's pretty tough to be different and funny, given that you're pretty limited as to what you can do in the split second the picture is taken.

One guy, however, has got photobombing down to a T, simply because of how unique his technique is.

This weekend, at Parklife festival in Manchester, the yet-to-be-identified man popped up in a number of photos, sticking his arm in his mouth.

This original tweet went viral, but then more people came forward, confessing that they too had their photo improved by the mysterious bloke.


And yet, it's not even that unique, as he's not the only one who has this as their 'thing'.

Another LAD appeared in the Twitter thread, flabbergasted that there's someone else doing the same thing as him.

Top marks to these LADs for making the best of life.

Do you know the first guy in the thread? Are you the first guy in the thread? Get in touch!

Featured Image Credit: Twitter