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Beluga Whale Wedding Crasher Gets The Photoshop Treatment

Beluga Whale Wedding Crasher Gets The Photoshop Treatment


Josh Teal

Josh Teal

Beluga whales crashing wedding photos is news to me. Hell, couples getting married within the vicinity of beluga whales is also news to me. So couples getting married within the vicinity of beluga whales that seem to adopt human-like levels of attentiveness and decorum is just dead fucking funny.

Take a look at this one, back from 2013. That beluga whale looks more like a pissed wedding band member photobombing a sincere family picture.

Image: Weefan Photography

This new one is more realistic and thus, more funny. This beluga whale looks like the bride's proud granddad who is standing up out of his wheelchair for the first time in six years.

As it happens, Connecticut's Mystic Aquarium is a bit of a wedding hotspot for couples who love beluga whales more than any deity.

You might have guessed that people on Reddit made this into a Photoshop battle.

Image: albo_underhill

Image: Shashakeitup

Image: liamwilde

Image: TheHongKongBong

Image: artwithbyte

Fantastic work.

Featured Image Credit:

Topics: Reddit, photoshop battle