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Woman Calls Police Because She's Lost Her TV Remote Control

Woman Calls Police Because She's Lost Her TV Remote Control

Is this the most ridiculous 999 ever?

George Pavlou

George Pavlou

There are a thousand reasons you should call the police. You know, you've witnessed a murder, someone is clearly getting kicked the shit out of them in your neighbour's flat, someone has left a bag at the bottom of a stairwell and it's been there for a day completely unattended.

These are all perfectly valid reasons for calling the police.

Losing your TV remote control is not.

Losing your TV remote control is the kind of problem you'd get frustrated over. You might even shout into the next room to find out if someone else knows where it is. If you still can't find it, you might text a close friend to tell them, 'you've lost the bloody TV remote lolololol'. If you're a really needy Nigel, you might even whack it in the group chat for some mild 4/10 banter to be thrown back at you from the lads.

But surely you NEVER call the police when you've lost the TV remote control? Someone please reassure me this is the case. Please. It's just common sense.

For one woman, apparently it isn't.

With genuine concern and dread in her voice, she dialled 999 to tell an operator she had lost the remote control for her TV and she thought turning it on would cause her neighbours to complain.

Listen to this...

That poor call handler. That poor, poor, poor, poor, poor call handler. They must get some strange calls but that was... special.

I am absolutely 100% sure that the Avon and Somerset police force have a lot more important things to do.

I can only heartily thank the Avon and Somerset Constabulary for bringing this phone call into my life. I won't forget it any time soon.

Just remember lads, if you have a real problem then feel free to pick up and call the police. If you've lost your TV remote, deal with it yourself.

Words by George Pavlou

Featured image credit: Jason Trim via Flickr

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Topics: Police