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Maccies Has Introduced A Sriracha Big Mac And The Game's Been Changed

Maccies Has Introduced A Sriracha Big Mac And The Game's Been Changed


Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

If I were to name my top five fast food items, Big Mac is right up there. And number one sauce?! Sriracha, baby. Closely followed by HP Fruity (don't agree? Fight me). So this news of a Sriracha Big Mac nearly made me keel over at my desk.

Hangovers will never be the same.

My co-worker, Mark McGowan, and I, began to plan how we could possibly get our hands on one of these delicious masterpieces. Sadly, they're only available in the Columbus, Ohio area at this present moment in time. So what could we do?

Well, don't fear. Simply go to Maccies, ask for a Big Mac without the sauce and pull out the hot sauce from your bag and - hey presto. You've now got yourself a Sriracha Big Mac.


We were going to create this and show you the results, but sadly there's no Sriracha sauce in this office. I have no idea how that's happened. It's probably down to the fact that it's being consumed immediately tbf.

Maccies is also offering a Sriracha dipping sauce for all your spicy chicken nugget needs.

Please, please, please bring it over to England. Or, alternatively, please send us copious amounts of hot sauce. We're struggling here.

Featured image credit: PA Images

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Topics: mcdonalds, maccies, McDonald's