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The Teenage Blackpool Grime Scene Is The Best Thing About 2016

The Teenage Blackpool Grime Scene Is The Best Thing About 2016


Josh Teal

Josh Teal

When I think of Blackpool, I think of all that cliché stuff: rock, two penny machines, the tower, and the illuminations. But after hearing some of Lancashire MC Little T's bars, the seaside resort is now going to be forever synonymous with a terrifying pre-tween Grime scene.

When I was 12, around a decade ago, things were different. Me and my mates would eat gobstoppers and play cricket using a wheelie bin as stumps. These modern lads - the nu-lads - wear man-bags and write diss tracks. They probably can't spell exasperation, but they're full of it nonetheless.

Blackpool grime channel BG Media, the geniuses behind all this, boast up and comers like Little T, Soph Aspin and Callyman Sam among a throng of others - some of whom have racked up views into the millions.

I'm a newcomer to BG's roster, but from what I've seen it's all about Little T and Soph Aspin. Furthermore their beef, which in turn invites the input of other BG talent.

It isn't on a par with Tupac and Biggie's. T and Aspin haven't even started their GSCEs let alone pledged allegiance to a legitimate street gang or been embroiled in gunfire - save maybe for a water fight. Still, it's a rivalry that promises big things.

Credit: TRP Vision

Little T's most watched track 'Who Are You?' is his anti-Soph Aspin tweenybopper diatribe. In the video, Little T and a friend walk around various industrial locations. 'Why is this girl, yeah, trying to spit?', T asks as his friend watches on in awe. 'BG Media, yeah I run that shit'. The two can be seen entering a chippy for no reason other than the fact they can't enter a pub.

Little T's friend is not included in the song. In fact, he doesn't really seem to know what's going on. My bet is he's either knackered or regretting the fact he chose to skip homework to star in the video for 'Who Are You'. He tried the road, but it ain't for him.

Image: TRP Vision

In Soph Aspin's reply track, she essentially disregards Little T as a 'Year 8', which is an insult that pretty much suffices your entire adolescence.

Credit: TRP Vision

Little T and fellow rapper Dylan Brewer team up for a collab diss track, in which he tells Aspin he once had sex with her nan before throwing her out of his flat. This is problematic on many levels and I don't really wanna go into it.

Perhaps the most veteran BG Media signing, as well as my personal favourite, is CallyManSam. Pitbulls, mopeds, bucket hats - his video for 'It's CallyManSam' has it all.

Credit: BG Media

The only real problem I have is just that: the videos. Although undeniably chock-a-block and full of grime gusto, they all seem to be crafted by the same guy, Jack Wilkinson.

Sort it out Jack, and choose a side. Little T or CallyManSam. Brewer or Aspin.

Featured image credit: TRP Vision

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Topics: Music