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Fifteen-Year-Old Girl Shot Herself In A Game Of Russian Roulette

Fifteen-Year-Old Girl Shot Herself In A Game Of Russian Roulette


Laura Hamilton

Laura Hamilton

It's a tragic tale of a dangerous game gone badly wrong. Fifteen-year-old Ana Julia Lima Clemente was playing with a fourteen-year-old friend in Santa Catarina state when she found her uncle's .38 revolver.

Unfortunately, they decided to play Russian Roulette.

After aiming the gun at her head twice and shooting blanks twice, the third time the gun chamber held a bullet and Ana shot herself in the head. She was found lying dead in her home.

Credit: YouTube

It's thought to be a terrible accident. Ana's aunt has said: "She was a very quiet girl. She never got involved in dangerous games and there was no history of depression either."

Her mother had to be taken to hospital to deal with the shock.

Police chief Rafael Iasco told The Daily Mail: "The dead girl was found lying on the ground with the gun close to her chest.

"There was another teenager there who told officers they were talking when she took the gun out and began to play Russian Roulette.

"Sadly on one of the occasions she pulled the trigger she shot herself in the head.

"We're still waiting for the results of forensic tests but the information we have at the moment points to this being a game that went fatally wrong."

Russian Roulette is an incredibly dangerous game that was made famous in the 1978 film The Deer Hunter. Three US soldiers are captured during the Vietnam War and forced to play Russian Roulette as their captors gamble on the results. Their captors demand an especially brutal variation of the game - it is played until only one contestant is left. It takes place in a bamboo room above where the other prisoners are contained, so that the losers' blood drips down on future contestants.

Several teen deaths followed the movie's release, causing police and the media to blame the film's depiction of Russian roulette, saying that it inspired the young people. It was originally made up by a Russian writer in 1840 and since then has become a real, if dangerous game.

Words: Laura Hamilton

Featured Image Credit: YouTube