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This Is Why Some McDonald's Restaurants Charge You For Sauces

This Is Why Some McDonald's Restaurants Charge You For Sauces

Someone is being tight.

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

For the most part, getting a McDonald's is a flawless routine that has very few pitfalls.

There's the odd idiot who insists on making a scene in the restaurant and sometimes an occasional acne-riddled adolescent who has the personality of a toilet brush and can't get an order right. But other than that, it's usually okay.

However, if you ever wonder into a Maccies that isn't your local, you may find that certain branches charge for sauces. If they're doing that, they should wear a mask and a striped jumper, because it's clearly daylight robbery.

Why? Why must you force us to have to dip into our pockets, after we've already paid for the meal, just to have a pathetic tub of ketchup that is only good for two chips and one dip of a burger?

Apparently, it's down to the fact that some McDonald's branches are franchises. In those specific branches, the franchises are tighter than a crab's arsehole, and just decide that it'd be a laugh to charge extra for sauce because they're not part of a set meal.

"A significant proportion of our restaurants are owned by franchises who set their own prices. Some charge for extra sauces if they are not part of a meal option," it says on the McDonald's website. "Meal options that come with sauces include Chicken McNuggets, Chicken Selects and some promotional side offerings such as Wedges, Crisscuts, Mozzerella Dippers and Onion Rings."

Usually if someone tries charging me for sauce in Maccies, I'm off back home to get the ketchup bottle out of the cupboard. No need to be messing about, and I hope you all do the same.

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Topics: McDonald's