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This Man's 'Racist' Facebook Post Has Gone Viral - But Why?

This Man's 'Racist' Facebook Post Has Gone Viral - But Why?

Makes you think.

Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

The following Facebook post is pretty lengthy, so I'm going to keep this quite short. However, I implore you to read the WHOLE DAMN THING.

Honestly, it's worth doing so. Yes, it's satirical and taking the piss, but it's getting people talking.

If you don't fancy reading it, I'll explain below.

WHAT IS UP WITH ALL THE MUSLIMS AND BLACK PEOPLE IN GLASGOW TODAY???This is the worst day ever. I am currently hiding...

Posted by Emlyn Pearce on Wednesday, 23 March 2016

So, the idea behind this post is to expose the kinds of strange and downright weird assumptions that many people have in regards to people of different cultures.

What Emlyn has done (beautifully, might I add) is put it into the perspective of someone who NEVER faces these kinds of prejudices (ie. himself) to highlight just how ridiculous it is.

It looks like a lot of people agree, as at the time of writing the status has nearly 40,000 likes and over 26,000 shares.

Words by Mel Ramsay

Featured image credit: Facebook/Emlyn Pearce

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Topics: Racism, Facebook