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Your Old Wrestling Figures Could Land You A Small Fortune

Your Old Wrestling Figures Could Land You A Small Fortune

Did you throw yours away?

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

Sadly, action figures seem to be a dying thing these days. Back in the day when we'd have nothing else to do, the likes of Action Man and wrestling figures would be the go to thing, and even when we got bored of them we'd grab our sister's Barbie to set up some kind of weird sex scenario with Action Man that should have landed us in therapy.

Now, because kids spend their time pissing about with smartphones and tablets, they don't know what it's like to set up an 18 man Hell in a Cell match - titantron and all.

Unfortunately, it got to a certain age when owning toys of half naked men became unacceptable, and watching it on television was something you shouldn't admit to. This resulted in cutting ties with WWE and giving away any sort of memorabilia.

That, my friends, could prove to be a mistake.

If, for some reason, you didn't hand down your wrestling figures or throw them in bin along with the posters of men in budgie smugglers, then you could be quids in.

As always is the case with this kind of thing, the rarer the better. It'll also go a long way if you've got a figure of a wrestler who has since been completely removed from WWE's brand - like Hulk Hogan or Chris Benoit - chances are they'll land extra coin in your back burner.

Going on eBay tells you all you really need to know, with the UK site putting a £1,700 price tag on its most expensive figure, and the US site asking for $89,000 (£71,700) for a similar toy.

All credits: eBay

Even if you don't have a rare figure, like a limited edition Gold Gloves Rowdy Roddy Piper, a fairly sizable collection is enough to bring in some dosh.

On the UK eBay site, selling anywhere upwards of 40 wrestling toys, along with accessories like a ring or weapons, will bag you between £400 and £650, which is enough to pay people to forget you still owned these toys.

Over on the American version of eBay, which seems to be full of a lot of sadder sellers, someone who probably never saw daylight as a kid is selling a collection of 96 steroid abusing, alcohol swigging, long haired, goatee'd pieces of plastic. The price to pay for this? $2,100 (£1,700).

In fairness, these 96 figures includes three versions of The Undertaker, four Shawn Michaels, and a Ric Flair who has probably got an erection hidden underneath his robe.

All Credits: eBay

If you can't find any of your old figures, but do for some reason have something like a ring or plastic entrance ramp lying around, you can get a bit of money from them. You'll have to lower your expectations down from a couple of grand, though, and also prepare yourself for no one buying it - these things haven't been relevant since the mid-2000s. Still, there are a lot of virgins on the prowl on eBay.

You're better off selling these than a wrestler's sex tape, anyway - that shit kicked up a right storm.

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Topics: ebay, Wrestling, Nostalgia

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