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Video Shows An Abandoned Baby Elephant Napping On Her Human Carer

Video Shows An Abandoned Baby Elephant Napping On Her Human Carer

This'll sort your Tuesday afternoon right out

Tom Wood

Tom Wood

If you're struggling to make it through the rest of your Tuesday afternoon, here comes the cavalry - it's a lovely video of a baby elephant having a kip on the lap of her carer after it was abandoned by the rest of the herd.

The two-year-old elephant calf is called Chabakeaw and she was found alone, trapped in a pit of mud in north eastern Thailand back in April.

Luckily, the wildlife officers that discovered her took her. However, when they later tried to reunite her with the herd last month, they found her on her own again a couple of days later.

It's quite a sad story up to this point, but it does have a happy ending. What she lost in elephant care, she has more than made up for in human care. That's what the video shows.

Despite no longer being able to blend in with the herd after being abandoned so young, she is safe and cared for by her rescuers and it seems as if she likes them enough to have a nap on one of their laps.

The footage was filmed on Friday 27 September and - be honest - it's bloody adorable. Just the thing to get you through the toughest part of the week.

Pichet Noonto, an elephant specialist from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission, said that she could no longer be accepted by the leader of the herd because she was left and forgotten at such a young age.


That means that she is now destined to live with humans which, although she'll have a lovely life, isn't exactly what nature intended.

Noonto said: "We believe that she was not accepted by the herd leader which is a consequence of her being raised by humans for over five months. She would have had difficulty adapting to the elephant behaviour in the wild and been kicked away.

"We will take care of her while we plan her future, but sending her back to the herd again might not be one of the options."

Well, there are worse things that could have happened to her.

Recently, the co-founder of a tourism company called Intrepid Travel, Geoff Manchester, urged tourists to Thailand not to ride on elephants because a lot of the animals are mistreated and abused.

In an Instagram post, he said: "A female elephant will be shot, and then its baby is captured. That baby is then tortured until it's willing to submit to humans, and is then trained to do elephant riding."

Featured Image Credit: ViralPress

Topics: Feels, Animals