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Joe Biden Has Received First Dose Of Covid-19 Vaccine On Live TV

Joe Biden Has Received First Dose Of Covid-19 Vaccine On Live TV

The President-elect said 'there's nothing to worry about' after getting the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

Stewart Perrie

Stewart Perrie

Joe Biden has followed through on his promise to get the coronavirus vaccine on live television.

The President-elect wanted to prove the inoculation was safe for everyone and received the jab at a hospital not far from his home in Delaware.

He and his wife, Jill, received the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

As the physician prepared the needle, Biden said: "I'm ready. I'm doing this to demonstrate that people should be prepared when it's available to take the vaccine. There's nothing to worry about.

"What I want to say is we owe these folks an awful lot - the scientists and the people who put this together, front line workers, the people who were the ones who actually did the clinical work - just amazing.

"And I wish we had time to take you through the whole hospital to see how busy and incredible you all are."

He also gave praise to the current administration for helping get the vaccine out into the public in a fast and effective way.


"The administration deserves some credit for getting us off the ground with Operation Warp Speed, and I also think that it's worth saying that this is great hope," he said.

"I'm looking forward to the second shot, so is Jill - she's had her shot earlier today. She loves shots. I know, but I've had so many, but at any rate."

He explained last week how he was prepared to get the vaccine on live television to quell concerns about the vaccine's side effects.

Many have questioned whether there are any long term issues of having the jab, despite there being multiple studies completed and tens of thousands of test subjects used.

They're not the only high-profile politicians to have received it in recent days.


Vice President Mike Pence and second lady Karen Pence got the jab on television last week, as well as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Massachusetts Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, and Independent Senator Bernie Sanders.

Donald Trump, who tested positive for coronavirus back in early October, hasn't yet received the vaccine and will wait for the green light from his doctors.

White House spokesperson Brian Morgenstern said: "When the time is right, I'm sure he will remain willing to take it. It's just something we're working through."

However, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany offered a different idea on why the President has resisted getting the vaccine.

"The President wants to send a parallel message, which is, you know, our long-term care facility residents and our frontline workers are paramount in importance, and he wants to set an example in that regard," she said.

The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was the first to pass regulatory approval in the United States, with Moderna's vaccine now also being approved for mass use.

Featured Image Credit: PA

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