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Mum Explains Why Teenage Boys Should Masturbate With A Condom

Mum Explains Why Teenage Boys Should Masturbate With A Condom

Shug says it not only helps with clean-up but it could have longer-term potential.

Stewart Perrie

Stewart Perrie

A mum has gone viral for explaining why it's a good idea to encourage teenage boys to masturbate with a condom.

The Minnesota-based mum has uploaded a video to her TikTok account about why using this idea would get boys comfortable with wearing protection when they were aroused.

Shug isn't shy about uploading her parenting advice to her social media accounts, where she's grown a massive audience of adoring fans.

The mum-of-three said: "I'm going to say something a little controversial, but I promise it makes sense, so hear me out.

"We all know that it's normal, natural, and healthy for kids to explore their bodies, right? But for people who have a penis or are penis-adjacent, that exploration changes when they hit puberty.

"And that exploration can need a little bit of clean-up. I know there's all the tropes about lotion and Kleenex and crispy towels and gym socks and whatever. But hear me out..."

We all remember that scene from Bridesmaids where Rita explains to Annie how she cracked a blanket in half because one of her sons kept using it to wipe up the aftermath of a bit of alone time.

Universal Pictures

Shug says that a condom can help address that and it would make the clean-up super quick and easy.

While the condom trick is a short-term solution, the American mum said it has the potential to condition boys to use condoms more regularly.

"What if, because we are trying to encourage safe sex practices, we give people things that provide protection...LIKE CONDOMS!" she said.

"Think of it. Easy clean-up, they learn how to put them on, and they get used to what they feel like. So there's never any discomfort when they do become ready to go with a partner.

"What a magical world where a person with a penis, their first instinct when they become aroused is to grab protection."

It would help boys understand the process of putting it on and the sensation of what it's like and then they don't have to use any household items to clean themselves up.

It's literally win, win win.

She's uploaded other videos in the past where she explains the importance of timing to her kids. Her eldest child is 14 and Shug explains how he gets to learn about 'specifics', however, her next child is just six and therefore only learns about 'mechanics'.

Featured Image Credit: lackofimpulsecontrol/TikTok

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