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Two Men Hit By 'Used Condom' Falling From Co-op Drinks Fridge

Two Men Hit By 'Used Condom' Falling From Co-op Drinks Fridge

They were both 'Jonny-on-the-spot' on this occasion.

Tom Wood

Tom Wood

Two men were left understandably disgusted when they opened a fridge at a Co-op supermarket and were struck by what appeared to be a used condom.

Kenny Moore and his mate Michael Bradshaw were simply trying to buy their lunch at a Co-op in Holton-le-Clay, Lincolnshire, but when one of them reached out to grab a bottle of Lucozade they were struck by the offending item.

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That's not exactly what you expect to get with your meal deal, is it?

Needless to say, they were horrified. Well, you would be wouldn't you?

Kenny said: "I went into the shop to get a meal deal out of the fridge.

"I got my sandwich, my pork pie, went to get my drink. As I grabbed my Lucozade, something hit my hand.

"It was a condom."

Goddammit. That sounds rough. Worse than that, the guys said that it looked as if it had been used.

How did it get in there? Why was it in there? So many questions - whether we need the answers or not is another matter altogether.

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Moore, who works as a labourer, said that he was 'sickened' by the whole affair. Yeah, 'sickened' seems like the right word, really.

His mate, Michael, has had a run in with the Co-op before now, too. He claims they once sold him a pot of pasta sauce that was five years out of date. This new thing is probably going to top even that, you'd have to think.

The 48-year-old said: "We reached out and grabbed the Lucozade at the same time.

It must have been sitting on top of one of the bottles.

"The condom fell on my hand, then it fell on his arm. It must have just bounced.

"We have missed lunch now. I'm starving."

This story gets worse and worse. Although you might be forgiven for losing your appetite after getting struck on the arm by a used condom whilst innocently buying energy drinks.

Staff from the Co-op are investigating the situation, and even reportedly discovered another condom whilst clearing the shelf out.

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Kenny continued: "She grabbed it with a pen and flicked it in the bin outside the shop.

"I think the whole fridge must be full of them."

For their part, Co-op have said that the whole thing is "very concerning".

I'll say.

The pair were apparently also denied water and soap to clean themselves but made do with a heap of hand sanitiser.

They've both said they'll not be darkening the door of that Co-op again, although they did add that a box of Roses would probably square it off.

They won't accept Toffee Crisps though, you'd have to imagine...

Lincolnshire Co-op released a statement that read: "This is obviously very concerning. As soon as we were made aware of the issue our team began taking extensive action.

"We will be launching a full investigation into what happened here and will be acting on the findings as appropriate.

"The store team themselves have been shaken by this and we would encourage anyone in the local community who knows anything that may help our investigations to come forward and let us know."

If you'll excuse the crass joke, I think enough "coming forward" has already been done in that shop.

Featured Image Credit: BPM Media

Topics: UK News, Gross, Weird, Condom