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Steve-O's Ear Left In Tatters From A Stunt Gone Wrong

Steve-O's Ear Left In Tatters From A Stunt Gone Wrong

​Squeamish people, look away now.




Squeamish people, look away now, or at least prepare yourselves for one of the grossest images you'll see all year.

But first, let's start with a little background. As one of the core cast members of MTV's Jackass, we all know Steve-O's done his fare share of dumb and dangerous shit over the years.

And despite the fact that he's kicked the drugs, booze and junk food, he's still not done with putting his body through the wars with his outrageous shenanigans.

As part of his latest trick, the TV personality somehow managed to completely destroy his entire ear in a quest to get a 'cauliflower ear'.


Sharing the gruesome outcome to his 3.8 million followers on Instagram, Steve-O posted a picture of the bloody mess along with the caption: "Last night in my quest to get #CauliflowerEar, something weird happened and I ended up needing stitches.

"I put a bunch of glue on it instead, so we could keep filming, then we had another total freak accident and I had to keep piling on more glue to close it again.

"At this point it's hard to tell what's going on with it under all that glue, but what's certain is that @chuckliddell and I got a whole bunch of hilarious new footage last night."

The dude's absolutely bonkers. And he didn't stop there, oh no, he then travelled to Columbus, Ohio, for more sold out shows. Yes, he got on a plane with that monstrosity hanging from the right side of his face.

And yes, it still looked like a total mess:

Yeowch. This might just top the time he fish-hooked his own cheek and snorted a line of wasabi... some truly classic Steve-O moments.

Worryingly, he hasn't revealed how or when he's going to get that damn thing seen too - hopefully sooner rather than later. That glue's not gonna stick forever.

On the plus side, sounds like he's got some solid footage there. Although it's without a doubt going to be NSFL, let's face it, we're all going to watch when the video comes out.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/steveo

Topics: Instagram, Entertainment, Celebrity, stunt, Steve-O, Jackass