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This New Tattoo Trend Is Picking Up Traction On Instagram

This New Tattoo Trend Is Picking Up Traction On Instagram

It's received a mixed reception on social media.

James Dawson

James Dawson

I've not got any tattoos, not so much because I'm against the idea as because I'm neurotic and sketch out that - if I'm going to get something etched permanently on my body - it has to be the right thing, you know what I mean?

Anyway, apparently there's plenty of people out there who are the exact opposite of indecisive, in fact their zero shits given approach to tattooing is lead them to make choices that are receiving mixed feedback on social media.

Behold the armpit tattoo:

Armpit ink has gained popularity on Instagram with post-tat photos getting big likes on the social media platform.

"People can get tattoos pretty much anywhere. Yes, anywhere. And one of the strangest, yet most intriguing places to get tattooed seems to be the armpit," commented Ink Magazine.

"The cool thing about the armpit is that you can do some really creative and fun things with it all because of the location."

Apparently it's a pretty painful to go under the needle.

The tattoo publication added: "The not so cool thing about it is that it hurts more than you can imagine."

A woman who had a design inked on her pit said getting it was 'torture'.

The blog Herpits warned "you will directly smell blood" as you are having the tat done as "it's pretty close to your nose," and that the "ink could block your sweat stream."

She told the website: "My armpit skin was raw in nothing but pain. Seconds after seconds, it got worse. Then it ended."

I guess at the end of the day, it's a free world, isn't it?

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Topics: Instagram, armpit tattoo