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Tory MP Trolls Half The Nation By Suggesting BBC Plays National Anthem

Tory MP Trolls Half The Nation By Suggesting BBC Plays National Anthem

What a troll.

James Dawson

James Dawson

Another day, another dumb piece of Brexit-related news. This time a Tory MP has begun a campaign to have the national anthem played on BBC1 at the end of every day to mark our withdrawal from the European Union.

Andrew Rosindell, the MP for Romford, told the Telegraph that the BBC should be 'unashamedly British' and celebrate the UK's exit from the EU with a clear statement that 'Britain is back'.

Mr Rosindell said: "The British Broadcasting Corporation should be unashamedly British and playing our British National Anthem once a day on BBC1 is not much to ask.

"They used to do it and it's time it was restored, to send out a message that Britain is back, following Brexit in tribute to Her Majesty in this, her 90th year!"

He has even gone ahead and tabled an early day motion this morning, calling for the anthem to be played before the nightly switch over to BBC News 24.

In return the BBC decided to troll him on BBC 2's Newsnight last night...

Now I can't help but feel that maybe Andrew is himself just doing a slight bit of winding-up here. You know the way you rub your mate's face in it when you beat him at FIFA? That sounds like exactly what he's doing, but in this case it's an elected parliamentarian doing it to 48.1 percent of those that voted.

Which got me thinking, if he really wants to get the fishing rod out to the British public, there are some better alternatives...


Probably, retrospectively, the most annoying song for our collective childhoods. For some reason this abomination was the Christmas number one in 1993. Imagine having to listen to this before bed every night? Imagine having to think about Illuminati stooge Noel Edmonds and his godforsaken house party every single night. Please don't.


Conventional wisdom would probably say that the Crazy Frog's original appearance in the charts is the worst thing to ever grace the music charts, but his subsequent 'Cha Cha Slide' is actually more annoying. This is because it's an annoying version of a song that was already annoying - therefore reaching into the postmodern, unlistenable realms of meta-annoyingness.


It's just a really, really, really, shit song, isn't it? What a terrible, terrible band.


When I listened to this again I had to auscultate through multiple videos just to check that the tune wasn't the result of some sad-act YouTuber messing around with the pitch modulation. But, alas no, this was a real song that was released. What's more it's a cover of the iconic piece of music that was also used on the Chewit ads.


So what do you reckon then? Which would be the worst/best for the BBC to play on a night?

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Topics: Tory, brexit