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Facebook Adds Reactions To The Comments

About time, or nah?

Claire Reid

Claire Reid

Last year, Facebook introduced reactions on its posts. So, alongside the good ol' thumbs-up 'like' button, users could also choose to click on 'love', 'haha', 'wow', 'sad' and 'angry' reactions.

It was a good change, wasn't it? Because sometimes you want someone to know you've seen and acknowledged their post, but you don't necessarily want to 'like' the fact their dog just died.

And the 'wow' reaction is great for acknowledging every boring status posted by that fella you went to school with. Not that he gets the fucking hint.

What's been missing, though, is the ability to 'react' to individual comments on posts. So, if your mate took the piss out of you on your status, you could only 'like' it rather than show them how upset you truly were with a 'sad' react. Because you were upset, weren't you?

That was until now. Because now, Facebook has added the reaction button to its comment section. Ooo.

A spokesperson from Facebook said in a statement: "We've heard from people they'd like more ways to show their reaction in conversations on Facebook, so we're rolling out the ability to react to comments."

Now, if you hover over the 'like' button on a comment this pops up:

Credit: Facebook

It seems to be a gradual roll-out, with some people saying they don't have it yet. I have it on my desktop but not on the app, but then I haven't updated the app since about 2015, so that might be why.

This follows another recent update which saw the reactions being added to the Messenger app. However, speaking as someone who never updates anything on their phone, I have to say this one had passed me by.

Drew Moxon, product manager for at Facebook, said at the time: "Message Reactions are theability to react to an individual message with a specific emotion, quickly showing acknowledgement or expressing how you feel in a lightweight way."

Once we all have it you can expect your comment sections to get a lot more colourful, which is either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your emoji stance.

Featured Image Credit: Facebook

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