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Exact time you should look up if you want to see Northern Lights in UK tonight

Exact time you should look up if you want to see Northern Lights in UK tonight

There's still hope if you've got FOMO from last night's Northern Lights spectacle

While your mates are smugly sharing photos to their Instagram stories, maybe you’re watching on with absolute FOMO.

That’s because as social media is flooding with pictures of the Northern Lights, you managed to miss it. Look, it’s forgivable but it doesn’t make it any better.

The rare sight was visible across the UK last night (10 May) as the aurora borealis lit up the skies with incredible colours as a result of a ‘severe’ solar storm.

From up in Whitley Bay down to Margate, Brits all over the country got a glimpse.

And luckily for those of you feeling left out, there’s a chance you could get to see the Northern Lights again this Saturday night. Well, for some of you anyway.

Brits gathered in Whitley Bay to see it. (Ian Forsyth/Getty Images)
Brits gathered in Whitley Bay to see it. (Ian Forsyth/Getty Images)

Meteorologist and weather presenter at ITV News, Chris Page, said: “Tonight the solar storms are likely to continue and are likely to be visible again. However, the storm is reducing in intensity and it's thought the display won't be as potent as last night.

"Nonetheless, for a once in a lifetime opportunity, it's definitely worth a look."

And while they were visible ‘from top to tail’ across the UK last night, it’s not quite the same tonight.

Craig Snell, a meteorologist at the Met Office explained: “It is hard to fully predict what will happen in the Earth’s atmosphere, but there will still be enhanced solar activity tonight, so the lights could be visible again in northern parts of the UK, including Scotland, Northern Ireland and the far north of England.”

The sight last night was truly stunning. (PA)
The sight last night was truly stunning. (PA)

While sightings in southern parts of the country are less likely tonight, Snell did add that the Northern Lights might be visible through a strong camera lens.

And as when it comes to what time you should be looking out for the aurora borealis tonight, the best time to spot them in the UK will be between 10.00pm and 2.000am.

Unfortunately, that window is pretty short due to the shorter nights with the warmer weather we’ve been having.

You might see them again tonight. (PA)
You might see them again tonight. (PA)

Following the amazing sight last night, Brits were left saying the same thing as they realised the trip they’d been saved.

Users wrote on X: “That’s that ticked off the bucket list. Saved money going all the way to Iceland. Very weird that it was not visible for me with the naked eye. The iPhone camera is mad.”

Another put: “Saved me money going to Iceland now! Never expected this.”

And one even shared a snap of Martin Lewis as they wrote: “We’ve all just saved about 4 grand each by not going to Iceland there."

Featured Image Credit: LADbible

Topics: Science, UK News, Weather