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Odd Australian Urinal Is Dividing Opinion Among Men

Odd Australian Urinal Is Dividing Opinion Among Men


Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

When it comes to urinals there's a list of unwritten rules that most men abide by.

If you're in a place that offers four or five individual ones, it's common practise to not go in the middle, should two men leave one unoccupied in between them. The same goes for a long tray - if there's a gap that looks like it'll be a squeeze, leave it until someone finishes and there's enough room.

Of course, this rule sort of diminishes based on the level of drunkenness, but only if all parties can refrain from accidentally splashing anyone in close proximity.

But there is one urinal that is currently creating many more issues.

A man uploaded a picture of a public toilet in which there's a tray we've never seen before. It has a sort of cattle grid at the front, but at the back is the normal thing you'd expect.

The problem is, where do you stand?

Credit: Facebook/Aukusti Tahvanianen

Do you stand on the grid? Stand in front and loop piss over to the back? Wee through the grid? WHAT'S THE PROCEDURE?

A backpacker, Aukusti Tahvanianen, uploaded the picture, taken while on his travels, to the Facebook group Australia Backpackers.

The burning question was in desperate need of an answer, so he asked other people in the community if they could help him out.

He wrote: "Hello! I haven't slept in three weeks because I've been thinking where [do] I have to stand when I use this kind of urinal?

"For me it makes sense that you step on top of grill, so if you overestimate your size, drops still goes in right place. But on the other hand concrete is always full of urine. Help me fellas!"

Some people have suffered from the same confusion, with one Facebook commenter writing: "I had the same problem, I posted this exact same question a while back! The general consensus is you stand on the grate."

Another added: "I'm still wondering after a year and a half here. I'm pretty sure they're here to stand on it, but my concern is that heaps of people think they're not, which means I would step in people's pee."

Many people assumed that the best way is to simply step on the grill, but it was all just speculation. No definitive answer was given, which is a shame.

I have no intention of going to Australia any time soon, but I still want an answer.

I even asked my Australian colleague the correct way to do it, to which he said: "It depends how pissed you are."

He believes that sober, you'd assume the position on the concrete. But as a night progresses you'd lose all fucks and risk splash back on the grill. Essentially, though, there's no correct way to use it.

Featured Image Credit: PA