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Awesome Police Officer Buys Homeless Man New Shoes After His Are Stolen

Awesome Police Officer Buys Homeless Man New Shoes After His Are Stolen

The man had walked six miles to the police station.

Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

It's really sound when you get to write about a genuinely awesome thing that's happened. It just makes your day that little bit brighter.

When I was asked to write it, I was like...

Anyway, Officer Brent Gaither was caught on CCTV performing an incredible act of generosity. He didn't tell anyone about it, just kept quiet and went about his day. What a lad.

A homeless man turned up at the station after being robbed of his shoes, wallet, bag and ID overnight. He walked six miles to North Bend Oregon Police Department in his socks.

Officer Gaither took the opportunity to show some kindness and popped next door to a charity shop to buy him a new pair of hiking boots and a new blanket.

The best thing about this story is that the police station saw the events unfold on CCTV and praised the humble cop on Facebook, where it has since gone viral.

Check it out...

Officer Gaither spoke to Inside Edition and said: "He came right into the department barefoot. He was going to walk 50 miles up the coast to visit family when his belongings were stolen.

"All the officers here do these random actions of kindness; it motivates us. In that little moment, it made me feel great to help the man. That's what keeps us going."


Featured image credit: Facebook/North Bend Oregon Police Department

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Topics: Shoes, Homeless