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Woman 'Accidentally' Takes Topless Selfie When Reviewing A Washing Machine

Woman 'Accidentally' Takes Topless Selfie When Reviewing A Washing Machine

Surely you'd notice?!

Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

Lads, it's yet another 'accidental' nude leak, but this time it's not from a celebrity - it's Louise from Stevenage.

She decided that she'd be a good Samaritan and share her experiences with her new washing machine with the rest of the world. Why not? She was happy with it. It washed her t-shirts and pants and it was a fucking bargain; it'd be rude not to send a review.

Well, to be honest, she shouldn't have bothered. It would have saved her a lot of embarrassment if she'd just gone about her business as normal.

Here's her review:

Credit: Twitter/@markmilligan01

I'm all about body-positivity. If you want to show off your body - do it. But don't for one second tell me that she didn't notice that the washing machine is pretty much a fucking mirror. I'm not having it.

Anyway, according to the Mirror, the LG washing machine page reached the 'most read' on the Currys website extremely quickly (shock) with more than 1,100 views in 24 hours.

The image has now been removed.

Featured image credit: PA Images

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Topics: Review