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Warning issued to anyone who cooks bacon in an air fryer

Warning issued to anyone who cooks bacon in an air fryer

You can cook pretty much anything in an air fryer

In the past couple of years air fryers seem to have become the thing everyone is buying for their kitchens.

For those of you who watch Channel 5 it's pretty much all it ever seems to talk about these days, so we can only guess how frustrated they were when Channel 4 scooped Jamie Oliver for an air fryer series.

Anyhow, people seem to be enjoying them and cooking all manner of things in them, though you ought to be a little bit careful about what exactly you're cramming in there.

According to the BBC's Good Food section you should definitely not stick anything with wet batter in your air fryer, and there's a few other foods which are best avoided.

Among them is that extremely popular thing known as bacon, with dietitian Brenda Peralta warning that it being very fatty could spell trouble.

That right there is what we call a recipe for disaster. (Getty Stock Image)
That right there is what we call a recipe for disaster. (Getty Stock Image)

She explained that since bacon is extremely fatty and often comes in an awkward size this can be a recipe for disaster for amateur chefs.

Brenda told Huffington Post: "It is a fatty food, and when it is cooked in an air fryer, the fat can drip down and cause smoke or splatter.

"This can make the bacon difficult to cook evenly, and it can also produce a lot of smoke and odours."

This means that you run the risk of some delectable rashers of pig flesh being uncooked - which could cause food poisoning and you would feel like quite the silly sausage if that were to happen.

As well as this, the air fryer a bit of a hazard due to the build-up of bacon grease which can suddenly begin to smoke.

The bacon fat splatters out across the air fryer's heating element, causing the gadget to start smoking before a smell of burnt food fills the air. Lovely.

I suddenly feel the need to go and get some bacon. (Getty Stock Image)
I suddenly feel the need to go and get some bacon. (Getty Stock Image)

Aside from the impromptu pyrotechnic display, bacon can also be difficult to deal with if you want your plate arrangement to look pretty, according to Brenda.

She continued: "A bacon strip is a small and delicate food, and it can be difficult to flip or remove from the air fryer basket without breaking it."

And although it's small, that doesn't mean you can fit loads in.




"The air fryer basket may not be large enough to accommodate a large quantity of bacon," the dietitian added.

"This can make it difficult to cook a lot of bacon at once, which can be inconvenient if you are cooking for a group."

So there you go, if you're cooking bacon then it might be best to crack out the old frying pan or fire up the grill.

Additional words by Olivia Burke.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Food And Drink, Health