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This Woman's eBay Listing For 'Piece Of Excrement' Mini Is Ridiculously Honest

This Woman's eBay Listing For 'Piece Of Excrement' Mini Is Ridiculously Honest

Fair enough.

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

When selling something on eBay, you'd probably be forgiven for not being completely truthful. It's pretty much the norm.

Even if you're selling something that hasn't worked for three years, is covered in cat piss and has none of the capabilities it once had, it's okay to refer to it as in 'semi-good condition'.

Rachel Young, was obviously way past any point of doing that.

The 40-year-old had become so enraged by her Mini Cooper, that she posted what is probably the most honest listing on eBay.

She'd put her 'Mini Cooper S 2004 Absolute Piece of Excrement', which she'd named Satan, up for sale after just months of owning it.

Credit: eBay

Rachel used it to get to and from work, and on her first day using the car, it 'blew up'. Following the initial incident the car 'caused her more issues than the entire breakdown of her marriage', and she has finally had enough of it.

In the item's description, Rachel wrote: "I had it ONE day and within an hour of driving it, it blew up! The garage then took 11 days to fix it in which I was given a courtesy car from 1974 that drove backwards! I had it back 45 whole minutes and off it went again, this time the radiator and the piston rings had gone... Nine days later I'm back in my little metal delight, obviously on its best behaviour as I'd just shelled out a grand for it!"

"If you want it, have it, it's awful. But on the plus side there is not one bit of it that can possibly break now, so in the car world it is now classed as reliable. In all honesty I'd rather have thrush, but take a look, any questions will be greeted through gritted teeth and angered responses!"

Credit: eBay

Despite the name and description of the item, which you'd assume would put people off, the car has had quite a bit of interest.

Bids for the car have risen, the highest currently sitting over £6,000.

Also, it's a solid deal that post and packaging is only £3.30.

Rachel shelled out £1,600 in total for the various issues the car had, so she'd thankfully be making that money back with a bit extra for hopefully a better car.

Rachel said: "I hate this piece of shit, I'd rather have a limb off or my mentally unstable ex husband back", so for her sake, I hope she finds herself a decent car.

Featured image credit: Credit: eBay

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Topics: ebay, Car