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Hooters Girl Reveals The Most She's Ever Made In A Shift

Hooters Girl Reveals The Most She's Ever Made In A Shift

It can vary but there's a lot of money to be made as a waitress for Hooters

Have you ever wondered how much a Hooters waitress makes during a shift? Of course you have.

Well, lucky for you, Jade Amber, who regularly posts on her YouTube channel about life working at the infamous US bar chain, has done just that.

In one of her fairly recent videos, she discussed the tipping system and how much she has received in the past from customers.

And even on a slow day, it's not bad going, she says.

Jade explains: "My worst night or day would be like $25 to $50 and that's the worst case scenario, ok.

"Normally on those nights, I was cut or sent home because we were very slow and it was during a very slow season.

"Those days are super rare but they do happen.

"An ok day would be like $95 to $125 because it's, like, 'Ok I made this amount of money but I know I can make more. But there were super bad days it's, like, 'Ok at least I made money'.

Listen to it all below:

"But then there were better days. On a great day at Hooters I would make anywhere from like $150 to... it ranges honestly... like $150 to $400.

"I want to say really, really good days are like $500. The most I've ever made at Hooters is $900. One day I worked a double, I was a bartender in the morning and then I served."

She added: "Personally, I claimed most money whenever I had to check out."

But it's not all good news as earlier this week, Hooters came under fire after a video showed employees buying tights from a vending machine in the toilets.

In a viral video posted lasted month, TikTok user @kenzjee - who works at the controversial restaurant chain - revealed how staff purchase the tights they're required to wear as part of their uniform.

Standing alongside a colleague in the public toilets, she said: "People always ask me about our tights machine and I have to buy tights today so I'll just make a video about it."

In the video - which has been viewed 4.7 million times - she can be seen inserting $5 into the machine before selecting 'Suntan B', which apparently indicates the shade and length of the tights.

The vending machine is located in the restaurant's public toilet.

Naturally, people were pretty confused and shocked by the company's system.

One person commented: "It's a company uniform, company should pay for it.. Making money from your employees is bad business.."

Another added: "why do you have to pay for them if it is part of the uniform? cause in my opinion the boss should provide them for free..."

A third said: "if they don't supply my uniform why am I working there is my question."

In the comments section, the employee said Hooters doesn't provide the tights for free because they are considered 'undergarments', so they have to sell them through a third party company.

She added that the tights are tax-deductible and the vending machine is indeed located in the public toilets.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Jade Amber

Topics: US News, Viral, YouTube