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Calvin Harris' Twitter Rant Confirms Almost Every Taylor Swift Rumour

Calvin Harris' Twitter Rant Confirms Almost Every Taylor Swift Rumour

The DJ had kept his mouth relatively shut up until Taylor Swift's PR team decided to get involved.

George Pavlou

George Pavlou

When Taylor Swift broke up with Calvin Harris for Tom Hiddleston, I have to say, a teardrop fell from my right eye.

Mainly because I knew I'd have to endure every girl I know going nuts for yet another new album about how heartbroken she is and how all men are shit to her.

It gets to a point when the numbers start racking up Taylor, and you might want to start looking closer to home as to why all your relationships fail.


Anyway, the Taylor Swift PR machine rolls on, and if you try and stain the reputation of the most perfect role model in the world, you will get rolled all over.

However, it appears Calvin Harris is having absolutely fucking none of it. Not one bit. No sir.

When the 'news' broke in People Magazine that Taylor Swift wrote Calvin Harris and Rihanna's hit 'This Is What you Came For', the DJ couldn't keep his mouth shut any longer and went on the following Twitter rant...

Fair play to the guy, standing up for his corner and wishing her well. Showing a hell of a lot more class than his ex.

Can you tell I really don't like Taylor Swift?

Words by George Pavlou

Featured image credit: PA

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