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Quentin Tarantino shares brutal reason he won't give his mum a penny of his near £100M wealth

Quentin Tarantino shares brutal reason he won't give his mum a penny of his near £100M wealth

He broke his promise once, but has generally not showered her with money

Quentin Tarantino once spoke of the reason why he's not sharing his vast fortune with his mother.

It would be quite the understatement to say that Tarantino is an incredibly successful director, and even if it sounds like he might be wrapping up his career in the big chair, it ain't over until it's over.

He was planning to do 10 films and walk away from the business, but the film that was supposed to be his final entry appears to have been scrapped so who's to say what he'll do next?

It sounds like there'll be no The Movie Critic for us to enjoy, so for now we flail around and wait for the director to announce what comes next for him.

That is unless he's too busy watching Peppa Pig with his kid, and it sounds like he really likes the British cartoon, which is quite the unexpected stamp of approval.

Tarantino wanted to be a writer from a very young age. (Jacopo M. Raule/Getty Images for Belles Rives Group)
Tarantino wanted to be a writer from a very young age. (Jacopo M. Raule/Getty Images for Belles Rives Group)

However, while Tarantino has amassed a fortune from directing a string of successful movies, he did once open up on why he's not shared some of the fruits of his success with his mum.

The director's net worth is estimated to be somewhere around $120 million (£94 million), though of course he won't quite have that much stashed away in a bank account, but he told The Moment with Brian Koppelman that when he was a child he made a promise not to give anything he earned to his mother.

Tarantino said that his mum Connie Zastoupil 'always had a hard time about' his struggles in school and young Quentin's desire to become a writer.

The director remembered that one day his mum shouted at him over his poor grades in school, and then she told him something he remembered years later.

He said: "And then, in the middle of her little tirade, she said, 'Oh, and by the way, this little writing career?' - with the finger quotes -'this little writing career that you’re doing? That s**t is f**king over."

Tarantino said he wouldn't be sharing his money with his mother because of what she said to him when he was younger. (Laurent KOFFEL/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)
Tarantino said he wouldn't be sharing his money with his mother because of what she said to him when he was younger. (Laurent KOFFEL/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

Tarantino said that his mum meant she didn't want him writing in class when he was 'supposed to be doing something else'.

"And when she said that to me in that sarcastic way, I was in my head, and I go, 'Okay, lady, when I become a successful writer, you will never see one penny from my success," he recounted of his internal monologue at the time.

"There will be no house for you. There’s no vacation for you. No Elvis Cadillac for mommy. You get nothing because you said that."

Tarantino has largely stuck to that internal promise, though he did say he 'helped her out of a jam with the IRS', but he hasn't bought her a fancy house or nice car, explaining that there are 'consequences for your words as you deal with your children'.

His mum later told USA Today that she loved her son and was proud of his accomplishments, adding that it was easy for comments made on a podcast to 'spin and go viral without full context' and that she does 'not wish to participate in this salacious transactional media frenzy'.

Meanwhile, appreciator of true cinema that he is, Tarantino has said there are only seven perfect movies out there in existence.

He didn't pick any of his own for the list, but instead gave credit to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Jaws, The Exorcist, Annie Hall, Young Frankenstein, Back to the Future and The Wild Bunch.

Perhaps you can see some of the impact those movies have had on his career, or maybe he's just a guy who really appreciates a good movie.

Featured Image Credit: Laurent KOFFEL/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images/Andreas Rentz/Getty Images

Topics: Quentin Tarantino, TV and Film, Celebrity