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Ancient Egypt hieroglyphs seen as time travel ‘proof’

Ancient Egypt hieroglyphs seen as time travel ‘proof’

The so-called 'helicopter hieroglyphs' are 3,000 years old

People are claiming there's 'proof' that time travel is real after claiming that a series of Egyptian hieroglyphs depict a helicopter and a plane.

The so-called 'helicopter hieroglyphs' are 3,000 years old and were found in a temple in Abydos.

Among other items such as what looks like animals and insects, some experts claim the hieroglyphs show an aircraft, too.

They believe the presence of these plane-like structures could be proof that the Egyptians may have seen images of modern day aircraft.

Some archeology experts believe there's 'proof' that time travel is real.
Alain Guilleux/Alamy Stock Photo

In a video discussing the theory, many social media users have commented suggesting the images could be proof that the ancient Egyptians could 'see into the future'.

"Is it possible they could see in the future & see helicopters!" One person wrote.

While another said: "Maybe they saw that in the future helicopters and submarines were going to be invented."

And a third added: "I think they had a vision of things to come... looks like a helicopter, plane, and submarine."

Meanwhile, at a UFO conference in London, Stephen Meera, chairman of Manchester's Association of Paranormal Investigation & Training, said: "Look it has what looks like the rotor blade and here is what looks like a rudder.

"And what about this? Is that a rudder and this the wing?

"I am not saying that this is a helicopter, but it is worth considering. Why would they put these images in and had they seen them?"

Some believe the presence of these plane-like structures could indicate that the Egyptians may have seen images of modern day aircraft.
Alain Guilleux/Alamy Stock Photo

Many are sceptical, however. Over on one blog post from 2010, named Rain is Cool, the author explains the markings appear to have actually been made in error.

They explain: "I can't solve all of the (cue reverb) MYSTERIES OF THE UNIVERSE, but I have solved one. 

"There are a set of hieroglyphs in Seti I's temple in Abydos, Egypt that certain people have decided show the ancient Egyptians had, or knew about, helicopters, tanks, submarines and jets. 

"Yes, I can see how it looks like that, but the truth is, of course, mundane. It took me a day to figure out what was going on."

The author continued by claiming that the hieroglyph is part of an unfinished temple.
Alain Guilleux/Alamy Stock Photo

The author continued by claiming that the hieroglyph is part of an unfinished temple, which was started by Pharaoh, Seti I but finished by his son Ramesses II after Seti's death. 

Describing the section as 'one huge cock-up', the author added: "It is clear that someone decided the wrong name was there along the entire length."

Explaining that Pharaohs had five names - with each being started with specific pictograms - they added: "One name is carved over the other along the entire thing. Anywhere it says Seti I, Ramesses II is carved over it, or vice versa.

"[...] What looks like one thing to modern man looked like something else to the ancient Egyptians. What we see as the tail of an airplane, they automatically saw as an upper arm!"

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