A truly remarkable story here, as an OnlyFans customer’s life was saved by one of the platform’s top content producers.
Belle Grace is in the 0.1 percent of top creators on OnlyFans and ended up turning her back on a career in healthcare after earning more on subscription site, but her medical background came up trumps here.
An X-rated video chat is not the most obvious place where you would find some crucial life-saving health advice, but Belle Grace’s former job in healthcare proved to be vital in this instance.
It was getting all hot and heavy on camera when Belle noticed that the man on the chat with her had one testicle bigger than the other.
She urged the man to go and get it checked out, and doctors revealed that he had an ‘aggressive form’ of testicular cancer which was thankfully caught in the nick of time.
“I said honestly, ‘I do think you should get it checked out’. And it took me about four, five weeks to actually convince him,” she told Yahoo.
“He did turn around and say, ‘Look, I’m really embarrassed about it. I don’t actually want to go’. I said, ‘Honestly, just go, you’ll be fine. Just get that peace of mind that everything’s okay'.
The man himself is understandably incredibly grateful for Belle’s intervention and said: “I can’t thank Belle enough for encouraging me to make the doctor’s appointment. I honestly didn’t think anything was wrong.”
Testicular cancer is the most common form of the disease for men in their late 20s and early 30s. According to nhs.uk, typical symptoms include a painless swelling in one of the testicles.
In the UK, 2,300 people are diagnosed with the disease every year, but the numbers of cases have doubled each year since the mid-1970s – the reasons for which remain unclear.
Fortunately, testicular cancer is one of the most treatable cancers and 99 percent survive for one year or more after being diagnosed. Meanwhile, 98 percent will survive for five or more years.
Almost all men who are treated for testicular germ cell tumours make a full recovery and it's rare for the condition to return more than five years later.
This story will surely resonate with us all and ensure we get ourselves checked out as soon as possible if we notice something irregular or unusual.