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Brave sheepdog kills eight coyotes and protects his flock during 30 minute fight

Brave sheepdog kills eight coyotes and protects his flock during 30 minute fight

Casper sustained injuries to his neck and tail after defending a herd of sheep on his owner's farm.

A brave sheepdog has heroically taken on eight wild coyotes that invaded his farm in Georgia.

The Daily Mail reported that Casper was the only one left standing after the pack of intruders attempted to attack a flock of sheep on owner, John Wierwiller’s property.

After sustaining injuries to his neck and tail, Casper disappeared for two days, much to his owner’s distress.

John even reached out on social media and asked residents to help locate his best friend.

However, once the 20-month-old pup appeared at his doorstep, John was taken aback by his condition.


"He was kinda looking at me like, 'Boss, stop looking at how bad I look, just take care of me'," John told WAGA-TV.

He continued: “I can't even explain how good it is to see him right now, because I felt like there was no way he was going to live when I saw him [after the attack].”

He added: "It looked like a coyote grabbed his skin and peeled it right off."

According to his owner, the fight lasted over half an hour, leaving all eight coyotes dead.

John immediately took Casper to the hospital, whose neck wound was gaping.

The farmer also launched a fundraiser on Lifeline, which has already raised $15,000 (AUD $22,300 or £12,294) for the pooch.

Donations will go towards Casper’s medical bills, as it will take several months for the sheepdog to recover, according to vets.

John also shared an update on the dog's condition after emergency vets closed Casper’s neck wound.

He added: “This is really great because it is so much easier to control infection when the wound is not so open and if all goes well he will need no skin grafts in that area. It really is a remarkable bit of news and we are celebrating.”

John continued: “Casper will be back to the Lifeline Clinic this afternoon for a check up there and probably to stay for several more days (it is a lot less expensive than boarding and follow up at the emergency vet).

"We will get some more photos then and a few quotes as well. I am sure he will have a lot to say.

“Thanks, again, for your support of this great dog. We could not have done this without the help of Lifeline.”

If you would like to donate, head here and just mention the doggo’s name in the comment section.

Featured Image Credit: WAGA-TV

Topics: News, Dogs, Animals