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Breaking Bad Copycat Killer Jailed For Life

Breaking Bad Copycat Killer Jailed For Life

The teen stabbed his victim in the head and tried to dispose of the body by dissolving it in acid

A murderer who took inspiration from the hit series Breaking Bad has been jailed for life.

George Knights, of Rochester, Kent, was sentenced to a minimum of 23 years in prison at Maidstone Crown Court on Friday (7 January) for the murder of 38-year-old Stephen Chapman in October 2020.

The 19-year-old stabbed Chapman in the head before stealing his neighbour's wheelie bin and pouring several bottles of high sulphuric concentrate drain cleaner over his victim.

Knights previously told the court this body disposal method was inspired by a scene from the first series of the hit TV show Breaking Bad.

Knights was handed a life sentence for the murder.
Kent Police

The court also heard that Knights had access to the acid as he had been making amphetamine from his home, using the name Walter White - the main character from Breaking Bad - as a password reminder for his DVLA account.

A Kent Police spokesperson said the murder happened after the victim agreed to meet Knights to discuss the sale of cocaine.

Following Chapman's disappearance, police searched Knights' home after he was seen at the victim's home.

The force spokesperson said: "Officers continued to search the address and located a wheelie bin, which belonged to a different address, in the conservatory.

"Mr Chapman's body was found inside, with four empty bottles of sulphuric acid located nearby.

"In light of the discovery, Knights was additionally arrested on suspicion of murder.

"Despite his efforts to dispose of the victim's body, investigating officers' inquiries were not hindered as they were able to use recent breakthroughs in forensic technology to carry out a thorough post-mortem."

He added that a video on Knights' phone showed him at a party with a package of cocaine in the background and at the party he also bragged that he had killed someone.

The spokesperson said that in the week leading up to the murder, Knights had a tattoo with a snake wrapped around a knife, similar to the murder weapon, inked on his neck.

Knights was described as a 'callous killer'.
Kent Police

Detective Superintendent Gavin Moss said: "Throughout this case Knights has shown no remorse or empathy for his actions.

"He is a callous killer who robbed Stephen Chapman of his life, and on top of this his attempt to dispose of the body deprived Mr Chapman's family of an opportunity to see him for a final time.

"He prevented Mr Chapman from having a future with his family and put them through the ordeal of a trial.

"He has been devoid of human emotion throughout this case and is a clear and obvious danger to the public."

Featured Image Credit: Kent Police

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