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WWE’s Sami Zayn Compares Trump To ‘Delusional’ Wrestling Villain

WWE’s Sami Zayn Compares Trump To ‘Delusional’ Wrestling Villain

He said Trump 'p***es' him off

Claire Reid

Claire Reid

WWE's Sami Zayn has said President Donald Trump 'p***es' him off as he reckons his 'cowardly' ways 'infringe' on his wrestling persona.

In one of the more creative insults we've seen levelled at Trump, Zayn wrote on Twitter: "One petty reason I dislike Trump is that he has infringed on my gimmick of being a delusional, cowardly heel.

"Not even joking. So much of the arrogance, paranoia, victimhood and denial that has long been the language of the heel wrestler is now attributed to him and it p***es me off."

He previously shared a status reading: "Don't let the door hit your ass."

Unless you've been asleep for the past day or so, you're probably aware that Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in the US election - and this isn't the first WWE reference we've seen since the winner was announced.

In a series of funny clips shared on Twitter, wrestling fans overlaid several WWE star intro songs over footage showing President-elect Biden walking out on stage to make his victory speech.

Here he is with Kurt Angle's theme song:

There were also versions with The Rock's song, John Cena's and the Ultimate Warrior.

Meanwhile, former wrestler CM Punk tweeted out a photoshopped version of a picture of him from 2011, replacing his face with Biden's.

Plenty of other current and former wrestling stars followed suit, sharing their own messages of congratulations to Biden and newly elected Vice President Kamala Harris:

I wonder if Biden is a wrestling fan?

Featured Image Credit: WWE

Topics: Celebrity, Donald Trump