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Work smarter, not harder: Why we all need to take more shortcuts in life

Work smarter, not harder: Why we all need to take more shortcuts in life

Bill Gates once said, “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”

Bill Gates once said, “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”

If the fact that these words were uttered by one of the most financially successful people in human history doesn’t tell you something, I’m not sure what will. There is a lot to be said for taking the shortcut, as it can so often save you both time and effort that you didn’t actually need to waste.

Think about it. How often do you follow a path in a park, only to see the grass has been trampled on by so many corner-cutters that it’s formed its own little shortcut?

These little shortcuts are called “desire paths,” as they basically tell the world that these are people who would rather go the way they want rather than the way others want them to. If there is a way for them to get where they need to be without wasting any extra effort, you can be sure they will go for it.

It all ties in beautifully with a new campaign from Chill Insurance, which is another example of something having been created for people who love a good shortcut. While they provide the wonderful shortcut of comparing 14 different insurers for their customers so they don’t have to, they took a look at some of our capital city’s finest desire paths and paid tribute to the people who carve out the path for others to follow.

By putting up signs all over Dublin beside examples of desire paths in parks, Chill are inviting others to take the easy route. We don’t always need to make things unnecessarily hard for ourselves, so working out an easier way is always worth celebrating.

After all, taking shortcuts isn’t always a bad thing in life.

Life’s little shortcuts

Many of the greatest inventions ever created are the by-products of someone simply wanting to find a quicker way to do things. You can be sure that the bicycle was invented by someone who was sick of walking, not to mention the invention of the wheel probably came about after someone decided they didn’t want to carry everything anymore.

In an age where saving energy is not only encouraged but something we all need to incorporate more into our lives, these are the people we should be working towards. From finding a better way to go about a given task in work to figuring out a quicker route on the journey home, it all comes back to the idea of working smarter being better than working harder.

You don’t need to wait for a path to be carved out for you. If your mind has worked out a way to make things easier for yourself and get the job done quickly then go ahead and do it.

The same goes for renewing your insurance. Let’s face it, renewing your insurance wouldn’t exactly be in the top 10 of your favourite things to do, so it’s an area of life that is in need of a shortcut.

Whether it’s for your car, home or van insurance, any attempt to make things easier for yourself is bound to be rewarded. was created to cut some of the unnecessary corners between you and getting your insurance sorted, by comparing quotes from 14 different insurers so you don’t have to.

Work Smarter Not Harder. To compare quotes from different insurers and find a deal that works for you, take a shortcut next time and visit

Featured Image Credit: Chill Insurance

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