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President Zelenskyy Says He's Not Afraid In Brave Message From Palace

President Zelenskyy Says He's Not Afraid In Brave Message From Palace

Most presidents would be safely tucked away as the bombs rain down on their city, but not Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

As bombs rain down on the Ukrainian capital, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has shared a video online that proves he is working from his office in Kyiv.

While many world leaders would hole-up in a bunker and lead from there, Zelenskyy is adamant that he will not leave the capital until the Russian invasion is over.

In a bold video shot from his Bankova Street office, the Ukrainian leader said he will stay for 'as long as necessary' and that his team is by his side.

Previous media reports had suggested that Zelenskyy had gone into hiding, but he has well and truly quashed that notion.

"Our office, Monday evening," the Ukrainian leader can be heard saying in the video.

"We get used to saying that Monday is a tough day. We have a war in the country, so every day is Monday."

Zelenskyy can be seen marching through the corridors before sitting behind his desk to issue a clear message: he isn't going anywhere.

"I am staying here in Kyiv, on Bankova street. I am not afraid of anyone. And I will stay as long as it takes to win our patriotic war."

The Ukrainian President's brazen comments come after Russian troops launched attacks on Kyiv's surrounding suburbs.

Yesterday (March 6), Russian forces attacked Irpin, which is located 25 kilometres northwest of Kyiv.

Eight people were killed as they were trying to escape the attack, including a mother and her two children.

In a TV broadcast aired later than evening, a solemn Zelenskyy vowed that they would 'not forgive' and 'not forget' the deaths of his people.

According to a report by The Independent, the eight people who were killed had been trying to cross a damaged bridge to get to safety when they were hit by mortar shells.

In his public broadcast, Zelenskyy's aired his disgust at the deaths of his people.

"A family was killed in [Irpin] today. A man, a woman and two children. Right on the road. … When they were just trying to get out of town. To escape. The whole family. How many such families have died in Ukraine," he said.

"We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will punish everyone who committed atrocities in this war. On our land. We will find every bastard.

"Which shot at our cities, our people. Which bombed our land. Which launched rockets. Which gave the order and pressed ‘start'.

"There will be no quiet place on this Earth for you. Except for the grave."

If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Emergency Appeal, which will help provide food, medicines and basic medical supplies, shelter and water to those in Ukraine, click here for more information.

Featured Image Credit: Reddit/Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Topics: Ukraine, Russia, News, Politics, Viral