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Shocking Moment Aussie Pub Owner Uses Frying Pan To Defend Himself Against Croc Attack

Shocking Moment Aussie Pub Owner Uses Frying Pan To Defend Himself Against Croc Attack

When you're out bush you have to make do with what's at hand.

A pub owner in the Northern Territory has been captured on camera bopping an angry croc on the head with a frying pan as the monster reptile tried to pop in for what we can only assume was a nice, cold pint.

But Goat Island pub owner Kai Hansen made it pretty clear that the massive beast was barred.

In the now-viral video, shared on social media by Airborne Solutions Helicopter Tours, the croc can be seen making its way across the grass.

At that point Hansen - known locally as King Kai - can be seen taking a swing at the cranky creature with his trusty frying pan.

When you're out in the bush you've got to make do with whatever is at hand, and it seems King Kai is intimately aware of this particular rule.

King Kai managed to get a few solid bops to the noggin as the croc snaps its jaws at him.

The croc then decided against trying to force its way into the venue for a pub lunch of human limbs.

Instead, the monster reptile gave up and sauntered back to the water to hunt down some other food, or to hatch a plan of revenge against King Kai, but we're just spitballing now.

Either way, it has made for some pretty epic viewing of life in 'Straya.

The video has now garnered nearly 600,000 views and more than 2,500 comments.

Not bad for a snappy nine-second clip.

This isn't the first time King Kai has made croc-themed headlines.

Back in 2018 his dog, Pippa, who was famous for chasing crocs was snapped up by a particularly grumpy saltie.

The dog was also nicknamed Dumb Blonde for her seemingly-suicidal croc-chasing trait.

Dumb Blonde in the good old days.
Chris Jackson/Facebook

King Kai told the NT News he had held the dog back for over an hour before the incident.

“We thought it would be safe as the croc had finished eating,” he said.

“Normally Pippa would race down, go for the tail and the croc would just go into the river. She’s done it for nine years."

But Pippa's long-time nemesis had the last laugh.

"That day she had already chased her back down into the water once," King Kai said.

"This time she went very close to the head straight away which was, yeah, not very smart."

King Kai told the NT News he was torn up by the loss of his sweet yet sort-of stupid dog.

“It’s such a sad story and I’m feeling terrible about it still, but it’s not something I ever trained Dumb Blonde to do,” he said.

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Airborne Solutions Helicopter Tours.

Topics: Animals, Australia, Viral