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Bill Cosby Denied Parole Because He Refuses To Attend Therapy For Sexual Predators

Bill Cosby Denied Parole Because He Refuses To Attend Therapy For Sexual Predators

The disgraced entertainer will remain behind bars for aggravated indecent assault.

Stewart Perrie

Stewart Perrie

Disgraced entertainer Bill Cosby has had his request for parole denied.

The Pennsylvania Parole Board said the 83-year-old has refused to do therapy designed for sexual predators and, as a result, he won't be allowed an early release.

He was sentenced to 10 years behind bars in 2018 for aggravated indecent assault after being found guilty of drugging and raping a one-time friend, Andrea Constand, at his home near Philadelphia in 2004.

According to CNN, prosecutors asked for a sentence between five and 10 years in jail but his defence attorney asked for a term of house arrest citing Cosby's age and blindness.

Pennsylvania Department of Corrections

Cosby was eligible for parole back in September after serving three years, however it wasn't until May 11 that his request for release was reviewed, processed and denied.

A spokesperson for the former TV icon, Andrew Wyatt, said the parole rejection was expected.

"We knew he was going to be rejected. He called me and told me that if he didn't take the course, he would be denied. He has maintained his innocence from the beginning," Mr Wyatt said.

He will continue his sentence at the State Correctional Institution at Phoenix, a suburb in Philadelphia.

The 83-year-old was told he had to develop a 'parole release plan', maintain a clear conduct record while he was in prison and undergo the sexual violent predator therapy course if he wanted to be let out before his 10 year sentence was up.


The state Department of Corrections has said it will be keeping a keen eye on his conduct record and has already recommended he doesn't ever get parole.

Laura Treaster, a spokeswoman for the state parole board, hasn't released information on why that recommendation was made.

But apparently Bill Cosby is 'hopeful' and is as 'cool as a cucumber', according to Mr Wyatt, because he's looking forward to the decision of his appeal in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

The Court met in December last year to mull over some of the particular elements of the case, however hasn't yet ruled either way.

Featured Image Credit: PA

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