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Critically Endangered Orangutan Seen Smoking At Zoo In Shocking Footage

Critically Endangered Orangutan Seen Smoking At Zoo In Shocking Footage

The zoo has shirked responsibility after the primate was spotted with the cigarette.

A zoo has shirked responsibility after a critically endangered orangutan was spotted puffing down on a cigarette.

The orangutan was seen punching a dart at Saigon Zoo and Botanical Gardens in Ho Chi Minh city.

In photos obtained of the incident, the endangered primate can be seen sitting on the enclosure floor with the smoke between his fingers.

While imitating a human smoker, the orangutan then took two long drags on the cigarette before stubbing it out on some nearby stones.

The orangutan took two puffs before putting out the cigarette.

The primate seems to be a natural when it comes to smoking ciggies, as he then was seen checking the butt to ensure it was properly out before throwing it away.

A spokesman for the Saigon Zoo and Botanical Gardens said that the orangutan had not been given a cigarette.

The zoo claimed the endangered orangutan had found the durry after it was thrown by a visitor.

The spokesman said: "People often throw things into the animals cages and the orangutan learns how to use these objects by seeing how people use them."

The zoo added that security guards do not have the time to keep a constant check on what was happening but they are now being more vigilant after images of the endangered animal went viral.

The photos come a few weeks after a zoo visitor was caught on video being manhandled - or monkeyhandled - by an orangutan at a zoo in Indonesia.

The man had climbed over a safety barrier to get close to the animal.

In the clip, which is believed to have been filmed at the Kasang Kulim Zoo in Riau, Indonesia, a visitor gets a little bit too close to an orangutan named Tina who reaches out and grabs his leg. 

According to a local news outlet, the man, climbed over a barrier to get closer to the orangutan so he could film a video. 

According to a report in Riau Saura, the man ignored a sign warning against getting too close to the animal and climbed over a cement fence. 

The zoo’s manager also believes the man kicked the orangutan, who he says is usually docile, before the camera started filming. 

Fortunately, neither he nor Tina were left with any injuries following the incident and the bloke learnt a valuable lesson about obeying the rules when it comes to wild animals. 

He later apologised for breaking the zoo’s rules, saying: "I apologise to the Kasang Kulim Zoo for crossing the fence and I apologise for the viral video."

Featured Image Credit: CEN.

Topics: Viral, Animals, News, World News