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Sky News Australia Slammed For Talking About Launching A ‘Resistance’ Against New Labor Government

Sky News Australia Slammed For Talking About Launching A ‘Resistance’ Against New Labor Government

The Labor Party have formed government and the hosts of conservative TV channel Sky News are not coping well with the change.

Sky News Australia has been criticised for talking about a 'resistance' after Scott Morrison and the Liberal Party lost the federal election.

Despite the broader Aussie population voting to kick the Liberals out and bring Labor in, Rupert Murdoch's Sky News is struggling to come to terms with the shift to the left.

Sky News host Paul Murray is particularly upset by the Liberal loss and has warned his viewers about the next three years under Anthony Albanese as Prime Minister

On his show, Paul Murray Live, he welcomed his fellow Australians to 'the first meeting of the resistance'.

The programme has a countdown until the next possible federal election and there was talk of the 'Mad Left'.

Pictures have been shared on social media about Sky News Australia's angle on federal politics and many have expressed concern about the type of language they're using.

One social media user said: "Imagine calling yourself a professional news commentator and being so biassed that you have an emotional breakdown because an election didn't go the way you wanted. It's not news, it's propaganda."

A second added: "The fact that they just don’t get it, and that they believe some sort of ‘resistance’ is required, is simply proof of an agenda rather than a commentary or reporting of facts and issues genuinely impacting Australians."

A third wrote: "Honestly...this is terrifying. Resistance? Left? Honestly we're no where near left. ABC Compass is Labor positioned centre/conservative. The Independents are neither. They represent their electorate. So no clue who they're taking the country back from?"

Murray's fellow Sky News Australia host Rowan Dean has also been pretty upset about the Liberal Party being booted from government.

"Despite every warning we gave you, Scott Morrison and the bedwetters betrayed their conservative base," he said on his programme.

But Dean added that there is a ray of hope for the Liberals after former Prime Minister Scott Morrison stood down.

"There is a silver lining to this cloud, the Liberal Party under Peter Dutton has the chance to be a true conservative, mainstream party now that all the bedwetters have gone," Dean said.

"Early 2025, put it in your diary too. Donald Trump will be sworn in as the next US president, or Ron Desantis, and a few weeks later Peter Dutton and the Liberals will be swept into power in Australia."

He added: "It’s gonna be a long three years, but 2025 mark it in your diary. Dutton, Trump, the Liberals will be back."

Dutton, who is the former Defence Minister, is expected to step into the role of Liberal Party leader unopposed, according to SBS, despite polling that indicates he is vastly unpopular with the general public.

Dutton is the top pick after leadership favourite Josh Frydenberg lost his seat in Kooyong following a successful campaign from teal Independent Monique Ryan.

Featured Image Credit: Twitter/Sky News Australia

Topics: News, Australia, Politics