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Wedding Guest's Vegan Meal At Reception Slammed As 'Insulting' And 'Inexcusable'

Wedding Guest's Vegan Meal At Reception Slammed As 'Insulting' And 'Inexcusable'

People on social media have slammed the offering and said more couples need to cater to vegans at big events.

Stewart Perrie

Stewart Perrie

A woman who went to a wedding recently has gone viral for the vegan option that was served at the reception.

It's not uncommon to have at least one guest at a wedding these days who might not be able to eat everything.

Whether they're a pescatarian, have a gluten or dairy intolerance, or an allergy to nuts, there's a whole host of reasons why a guest might not eat what's usually served.

While some couples will try to ensure that everyone is catered for, others might fall a little short and leave the guests hungry.

One woman has revealed the meal she was served at a recent wedding and it has been mercilessly mocked on social media.


The plate came adorned with rocket with what looked like a nice balsamic glaze over the top, along with some rockmelon and melon slices.

All in all, you'd probably be hoping for a few plates of these to fill your stomach, however, the wedding guest came prepared.

In a follow-up tweet, she revealed she ate like a queen while she was getting ready to ensure she wasn't salivating through the reception.

While the guest didn't seem too fazed by the situation, people on social media were furious.

One person said: "Man I'd have just left. When you consider how much weddings cost, venues are really lazy at catering for the guests with specific requirements. It's not hard to make amazing vegan food, as was proven by the last wedding I attended. Was made to feel very special."

Another added: "One huge problem is that cooks and chefs in restaurants do not understand plant based ingredients. Generally, they throw large numbers of herbs and spices at things in the belief that vegan food is bland. They know nothing."

A third wrote: "Really poor catering. Although it's not 'your' day, suffering through a wedding and reception plus forking out money for a gift should at least be repaid with something warm and appealing on your plate."

Some wedding invites will allow guests to select dietary requirements, which definitely allows the couple to plan accordingly.

Featured Image Credit: @nerdzrope/Twitter

Topics: Viral, News, Vegan